Wednesday, 31 July 2013

July Totals

Monthly Average 7,632
Best Day 17,890 - 30th July

I was really surprised to see that Tues 30th beat Wed 31st when we climbed Castle Crag.  The 30th was a day travelling to the Lake District.  On the way we called into White Scar cave, which would have accounted for some of the steps, but I guess it was the long walk around Cockermouth that evening which did it.  The walk included the whole length of the town looking for somewhere to eat.  We ended up with chips, eaten by the river.

Castle Crag

A short morning walk, following Julia Bradbury (again), who was, of course, following Wainwright.

Our route in Google Earth (Although we parked elsewhere)

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Walking Saturday

This is a placeholder for a walking Saturday.  When I remember my excuse for not going, I'll pop it here !

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Henley Treasure Hunt

Some friends and us like doing Treasure Hunts when we get together (  The facts that it was a very hot day, we didn't start until late, and we only had a few hours on the car park clock are our excuse as to why we didn't complete it.

Nevertheless, here's some photos as to how far we got. (Remember, click on any photo for a better 'lightbox' view of the whole day).